FURRY 5K thank you!

Thank you for joining us on Sunday, June 9th for the 25th year of the Furry 5K Fun Run & Walk! Your participation, donations, and social media shares helped us exceed our fundraising goal, raising $133,653 to support pets in need and the Seattle Animal Shelter – a heartwarming success!

Check out our wrap-up article and photo albums here.

Our Mission

In 2010, the Seattle Animal Shelter and a committed group of volunteers recognized that there were certain needs beyond the scope of what the City could fund. To better address these needs, the Seattle Animal Shelter Foundation (SASF) was formed.

SASF raises critical funds to help enrich the lives of Seattle’s animals and empowers volunteers and the local community to be part of the effort.


Recent News

The Seattle Animal Shelter helps thousands of dogs, cats and critters every year. SASF provides the shelter with a new way to support the many services and programs it provides for animals and the Seattle community.

2023 Seattle Animal Shelter by the Numbers

Animals in Behavior Program

Dogs Adopted

Cats Adopted

Critters Adopted

Spay & Neuter Surgeries Performed

Pets fed by the Pet Food Bank

Lost Pets Reunited with their Owners

Owned Animal Assistance Program animals served

How To Help

Seattle’s animals depend on the generosity of caring people like you.

small dog

This isn’t just about saving animals – it’s about strengthening our community. Your contribution to SASF helps champion and support SAS programs from veterinary care and adoption programs to foster homes and animal neglect investigations.



You can make a difference! The passion and dedication of the Seattle Animal Shelter Foundation’s volunteers drives our mission of enriching and enhancing the lives of animals cared for by the Seattle Animal Shelter.

Behavioral Training Program

SASF Programs

Recent Success Stories

Animals who were helped to find permanent homes thanks to our work with the Seattle Animal Shelter

Seattle Animal Shelter Foundation funds help dogs, cats, and critters at the Seattle Animal Shelter who are waiting to be adopted.